
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What Does "Being Fit" Mean?

We all question what this phrase means when we either look in the mirror; judge ourselves against someone else's other physical condition, or simply appreciate the aesthetic look that we see or recognize in another man or woman.

According to the The United States Department of Health and Human Services, physical fitness is defined as "a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity". Fitness is more than just asking simple questions about what activities you do and how long you do them. 
There are 5 Main Components of Fitness:

    1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance - This refers to how our body is able to supply fuel during our physical activity. We can improve our C.E. through activities that aid in causing an elevated and safe heart rate for a sustainable period. 

    2. Muscular Strength - The ability of the muscle to exert strength during the activity. You can strengthen your muscles by making them work against resistance, hence the term "resistance training". A muscle has to be overloaded to be strengthened. This can be achieved by lifting weights.

    3. Muscular Endurance - The ability of a muscle to continue exerting force without tiring out. Endurance can be improved by cardio-respiratory activities such as jogging, dancing, and cycling. Nutritional supplementation can support the body's ability to last longer during the activity.  Each supplemental need varies per individual, but can be safely accomplished/added for all age groups.

    4. Body Composition - The body's muscle-bone-fat ratio. Just because your weight is not changing does not mean your level of fat is the same. Very important for those who constantly look at the scale for the end-all be-all answer for their 'weight loss' result. Don't discount your efforts too quickly. 

    5. Flexibility - The range of movement across the joint. This is important to link movements smoothly and prevent injury. To improve your flexibility, try stretching or engaging in activities that lengthen the muscles such as swimming or yoga.
Whatever your reason for fitness and exercise, stay focused on your goals and your plan to achieve them.  If you need support and accountability, come get it.  
Stay focused on you! 
You can do it!

Zeke Samples, IFA, CSN, CPR, IDEA
WBFF Muscle Model and Personal Trainer
Surreal Body Solutions, LLC
Surreal Body and Nutrition, LLC
Contributing Health and Exercise Author
Personal Training Nutrition | Supplements | Motivation

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Core Muscle Training and Timing Your Nutrition

Importance of Core Muscle Training:

Two primary elements of most fitness programs: Aerobic exercise and muscular fitness (weight training).
To have a balanced fitness program, consider including core exercises into your fitness program. Weak or inflexible core muscles can impair the strength of how well your arms and legs function during the exercise, giving a significant blow to the power from many of the moves you perform. Properly building up your core cranks up the ability and power in your body. A strong core enhances balance and stability. A well-rounded fitness program is the best way to reach your fitness goals.

When Are the Best Times to Eat?

How, when and what you eat can impact your health and your weight. And that does not just mean portion control during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most people eat three times per day plus a snack. Consistency by eating your meals at the same time of the day, every day is good, but it is better to aim to eat something every three to four hours. 

Timing your meals in such a way will improve your fat loss by preventing excess insulin, allowing leptin to work its magic on appetite control and metabolism, and by balancing the stress hormone cortisol.

When it comes to timing your meals, consider the following:
- Eat a protein within one hour of rising. Take advantage of the stimulating benefits on your metabolic rate when you wake up.  Starting your day with a protein will produce better appetite control throughout the day.
- Don't eat within two hours of bedtime. Eating too close to bedtime can ruin the quality of your sleep beside mess with your fat-burning benefits of a good night's rest.
- Eat within 45 minutes of your workout. This "post-workout" meal or snack is the only one of the day that should not contain much fat and should be higher in carbohydrates and moderate to low in protein; a good Carb/Protein/Fat ratio to follow is 60/30/10.
- Try to train with weights on an empty stomach to burn more fat. You will need energy from your foods to perform optimally, but if training in the morning, an empty stomach is best. But this does not apply if your doing a cardio session for less than 30 minutes. Remember to have the post workout 'fuel' ready to consume immediately after your training session.

Zeke Samples, IFA, CSN, CPR, IDEA
NPC Physique Competitior
Surreal Body Solutions, LLC
& contributing health and exercise author

Personal Training Nutrition | Supplements | Motivation

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Making a Summer Fitness Routine Stick

5 Surreal Steps to Make a Fitness Routine 

Physical activity can reduce your risk of chronic disease, improve your balance and coordination, help you lose weight - even improve your sleep habits and self-esteem.

Some fitness routines are started due to medical reasons; others start to obtain the lost balance

For whatever reason you have to start a fitness routine, there are some easy steps to get you started:

Assess Your Fitness Level: 

Benchmarks measure progress. Set Goals 
Record your beginning heart rate in a resting state  
Time yourself in walking one mile
Record the number of pushups you can do
And a few stats: your waist circumference and body mass

Develop a Fitness Plan: 
Consider your goals
Decide on the frequency and duration you can maintain
Choose balanced and varying activities
Guess on the recovery time you may need.  You may find you need more at first if you are starting a brand new routine, but then you may decide you can do more; push and motivate yourself to be your best!
Most importantly, don't forget to right your plan down

Pick the Right Materials and Equipment: 
Having the right shoes and investing in equipment that you are enjoy can maximize your experience.

Practice the Fitness Plan and Stay on Point:
Start slow and build gradually. Break things up in 15 minute intervals throughout the day if its easier. And don't overdo it. If you are feeling shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness or pain, you are probably pushing yourself too hard.

Monitor your Progress and Adjust: 
Reassess your fitness level six weeks after you start and then every three to six months. You may notice that you need to increase the amount of time you exercise in order to continue improving.

Most importantly, never give up!  We are available to help you stay accountable, focused, and motivated.  There is always something that we can discuss; a nutritional or exercise improvement we can reshape, mold, and develop to get the plan working again for you.

Zeke Samples, IFA, CSN, CPR, IDEA
NPC Physique Competitior
Surreal Body Solutions, LLC
& contributing health and exercise author

Personal Training Nutrition | Supplements | Motivation

Monday, July 21, 2014

Overcome Your Fitness Barriers with Zeke Samples

Overcome Your Barriers to Fitness

Sticking to a regular exercise routine is not easy. There are plenty of things we may find ourselves using as excuses to put off our fitness routines - time, boredom, and fatigue to name a few. Maybe its the weekend and you want to 'just take the weekend off' because you will start up fresh come Monday..
Some of the reasons may be more acceptable - health issues and injuries. But don't let these issues stand in your way to reach your goals and continue to succeed.  It may mean that the extra cardio session done on the weekend is just what you need to reach your fitness goals; eating-in instead of eating out, allowing yourself to monitor your calories more than the kitchen in a restaurant would give you.
How to get off the Highway of Challenge

Consider the following practical strategies as your Surreal support system for overcoming common barriers to fitness roadblocks:

If you don't think you have enough time, be creative.  Try squeezing in short walks throughout the day, get up earlier, drive less and walk more, or change your Saturday indoor activity with the kids to a Saturday bike ride through the park or a picnic.

If you are growing weary of the repetitive workout, shift your routine around a bit by choosing activities you enjoy, keeping you interested and active.  If bike riding or walking, take a different exercise route or change up exercises; exercising with a buddy may help.

If you think you are too tired you might be surprised by how exercise can boost your overall energy throughout the week. Start with small amounts at times when your energy level is highest, like a 30 minute walk in the morning or a brisk walk during lunch.

You may want to first see a sports medicine physician if 
you have specific health concerns or are worried about an injury. A professional can evaluate you and recommend specific treatment for your injury. 

To take it up a notch, consult a personal trainer who can support your exercise goals by offering mental support and motivation.  Feel good about where you are going and how you are going to have the help to get there. 

Zeke Samples, IFA, CSN, CPR, IDEA
NPC Physique Competitior
Surreal Body Solutions, LLC
& contributing health and exercise author
Personal Training Nutrition | Supplements | Motivation

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Surreal Exercise Tip of the Month

Biceps: The Sun's out, so bring the Guns out! 

Hello Team Surreal.. Hope you all are having a great July! 
The sun is out, so short sleeves or tank tops are becoming worn more by both women and men. What's a better way to motivate you to pull that top out of the closet, than when you feel confident about your arms and how they look in one?  I decided to share a few tips about getting the best results when training the arms. 

Keep in mind the three ways to increase muscle mass: lift heavy, lift fast or perform a lot of reps. Any of these options will work well, and based on your specific needs, you can choose the way that works best for you.

If you can't lift heavy due to an injury, then chose one of the other options. Lifting heavy does not mean you have to lift the heaviest tier of dumbells, it just means you must lift heavy for you. Whether that means 20 pounds gets it done for you, or if you need 80 pounds, push yourself to achieve max results from this style of lifting. 

 You shouldn't do the same exercises over and over again; switch the exercises up changing the angle of force placed on the biceps. For example, start your routine with standing barbell curls and then progress to preacher curls or a dumbbell curl, such as a hammer curl. Keep in mind, you can perform unilateral (one arm) isolation exercises to give yourself the balance between bilateral (two arm) exercises. This balance of exercise variety style helps to ensure you are not over compensating with the strength of just one arm, still commonly seen with all exercise experience levels.

Zeke Samples, IFA, CSN, CPR, IDEA
NPC Physique Competitior
Surreal Body Solutions, LLC
& contributing health and exercise author

Personal Training Nutrition | Supplements | Motivation

Friday, July 11, 2014

6 Healthy Tips for Eating at the Summer Cookouts

Cookouts, family gatherings, and Summer holidays are for celebrating; they are meant to be enjoyed, and you don’t have to sacrifice your hard work in the gym, your health, or your hard earned beach body every time you attend one!
These 6 BBQ "Surreal Survival Tips" are small tricks saving you hundreds of calories and keep your health and fitness goals on the focused track. 
Why sacrifice a good time when you can just upgrade your healthy lifestyle?

6 Healthy Eating Tips For Your Next Summer Cookout

1. Use small plates

Research clearly shows that people who choose smaller plates and utensils eat less without even noticing it. The difference can be as substantial as 50% fewer calories consumed, yet everyone reports the same level of fullness and satisfaction. Try borrowing a plate from the kids table or the dessert tray.

2. Eat slowly and mindfully

People who eat more slowly eat fewer calories over the course of a meal. BBQs (get-togethers) are a perfect opportunity to pace yourself as you mix and mingle with friends and family. The more you’re chatting, the less you’re eating. But don't use the free-time/chat-time as a way to slam down tons of alcohol.

3. Eat healthiest foods first

If you are eating slowly and off small plates, you may as well fill up on the healthiest stuff first. Salads are a great place to start because watery vegetables slow digestion and have very few calories. Try to choose something with oil and protein as well, because these will help you feel full sooner.

4. Skip the chips, crackers and bread

Refined carbohydrates are the worst things you can eat because they offer little satisfaction, loads of calories and dangerous insulin spikes. BBQs are filled with wonderful food, so do yourself a favor and save your calories for the really good stuff.

You don’t have to eat your burger without a bun, but pass on the pointless chips and other snacks that lure you when you’re not thinking. If you’re feeling bored, grab a Frisbee instead.

5. Keep dessert small

The difference between a large slice of cake and a smaller slice of cake can literally be hundreds of calories. And to reiterate, sugar and refined carbohydrates are the most dangerous foods. You don’t have to pass on dessert completely, but keep your portion sizes in check for this course.

6. Think before you drink

There is a place for alcohol in a healthy lifestyle, but making smart choices can be the difference between losing or gaining weight (not to mention your self-control). One sugary margarita can have 600-800 calories. That means 3 margaritas is more food than you should be consuming in an entire day. Is that really worth it? Stick with wine or beer, drink plenty of water and remember to pace yourself.

Enjoy yourself but just be the best you can be.  Be mindful of how you can improve your lifestyle; when you are faced with nutritional cross roads, you will have the arsenal you need to make headway on the path to your success!

Zeke Samples, IFA, CSN, CPR, IDEA
NPC Physique Competitior
Surreal Body Solutions, LLC
& contributing health and exercise author
Personal Training Nutrition | Supplements | Motivation

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Put the Cool Back into Your Hot Summer Fitness

Cooling off the Heat of Summer Fitness 

Tips to Chill this Summer

The problem with summer is that it can get so hot outside. Activities that you find fun can start to dehydrate you or keep you from enjoying them because of the intensity of the weather.  Put the cool back into your fitness routine with these tips:

Adjust your Body Temperature with a Cold Shower before You Workout 
A German study showed a pre-exercise cool down improved performance in the heat. This is possibly because it lowers your heart rate as well as your core and skin temperature. 
An alternative: wet your workout towel with water as cold as you can tolerate it; keep it around your neck and continue to cool it off with fresh, cold water as you go through your workout.
Change your Running, Jogging or Walking Route
Find a shady new path through the Road Runners Club of America (rrca.org), which features running routes via Google maps. Or log in at weather.com, which offers a local parks forecast, a fitness comfort index, and an hourly forecast to help you figure out the best time of day to exercise.

Keep Tabs on Your Heart Rate 
The hotter it is, the harder your body has to work to stay cool; proper hydration is key. Pushing yourself too hard in hot weather can increase your risk of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Use a heart rate monitor to help you adjust your speed, distance and pace.
Try to run, jog, or walk on gravel or dirt paths. Paved roads and walkways can radiate heat and reflect the sun's rays to make them hotter. Also, take advantage of the breeze near lakes and rivers.

Stay cool and have fun with your Summer exercise routines!  It is hot, but using helpful tips to beat the heat can be just the help you need! 

Zeke Samples, IFA, CSN, CPR, IDEA
NPC Physique Competitior
Surreal Body Solutions, LLC
& contributing health and exercise author
Personal Training Nutrition | Supplements | Motivation