
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

CalorieKing.com - Mega Database of Foods with Caloric Information

Calorie tracking systems..  A lot of exercise enthusiasts find that using a program that allows them to reference the calories in their foods, helps them to be accountable to the calorie goals that I place them on within their nutritional program, helps educate them on what a food product contains calorically, and supports accountability when we are pairing exercise and nutrition at Surreal Body Solutions.

MyFitnessPal is one calorie tracking system that I have used for years.  Not only can you find a broad range of foods that are in your diet, but I like the fact that you can create a recipe and then share it with the world by adding it to the database.  I have created over 100 recipes that I share with clients in their nutritional programs and being able to supply the right data of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins, pairing it with the portion size is very useful obviously when it come to them reaching goals.

Another calorie tracking system that I have been using recently, called CalorieKing, allows me to research and find 
nutritional information for over 50,000 brand name and generic foods is easy; C.K. contains a vast database of information that will educate you on the added ingredients in of your consumable food items.  Just today I was speaking with a client who was eating out a lot, chose the chicken and fresh veggies when they did go out to eat, but was struggling to understand why they were not losing weight.  Such a hard worker in the gym can't afford to hit a wall of frustration when eating 'clean'.  I went on to explain that restaurants and especially fast food chains can have a chicken breast on the menu or fresh veggies, but even though these items sound harmless and healthy, the possibility that the kitchen added oils in the cooking process is very great.

Think about it..kitchens don't want food sent back to them, so cooking the foods in oils, adding MSG, and so many other ways they can camouflage the tastes of food to appeal to the customer can be not only frustrating, but alarming.  

CalorieKing has an up-to-date database including 260 fast food chains and restaurants.  This is a great system for people with diabetes who need to track carbohydrate intake. 

Here are two beverage items from Starbucks that I have attached found on CalorieKing.com under Starbucks: Beverages.  It's amazing the calories that soy milk can add to a simple serving of tea. 

The most important point to take away is that calorie tracking systems and databases such as this one can help us to reach our goals and educate us along the way with useful caloric information pertinent to our everyday individual and family lifestyle. 

Zeke Samples, IFA, CSN, CPR, IDEA
NPC Physique Competitior
Surreal Body Solutions, LLC
& contributing health and exercise author
Personal Training Nutrition | Supplements | Motivation

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