
Monday, June 30, 2014

The Healthy Benefits of Strawberries

Summertime farmer's market..

Fresh fruit and vegetables to go along side with your protein making cookouts and meals at home more exciting and full of flavor.  With a bountiful variety of choices to satisfy the pallet, now is a great time to appreciate the exceptional health benefits of the strawberry.  Although common in widespread availability, the strawberry is far from ordinary in its valuable properties.

Defending against cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and inflammation, strawberries have been noted to decrease both colon and breast cancer cells.  Research from a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, found that the abundant photo-nutrients, ellagic acid, and ellagitannins in the fruit are responsible for the findings.

Cardiovascular disease is also kept in check by regular consumption of strawberries.  Due to potent antioxidants within the fruit, elevated blood pressure, hyperglycemia, circulating adhesion molecules and inflammation were lowered in test subjects when 50g of freeze-dried strawberries were ingested daily during an 8-week randomized controlled trial, according to documentation in Nutritional Research.  Additionally, scientists at the University of Warwick in the UK found that strawberries not only deterred heart disease but also the vascular complications of diabetes.  The beneficial outcome of such bodily functions were found to be possible by the increased antioxidant activity of a protein called Nrf2.  In one of my prior blogs, I elaborated on the importance of the antioxidant glutathione; on of the most powerful antioxidants for the body.  Nrf2 enhances the production of important molecules that support the body's functions in some of the strongest ways possible.

Finally, strawberry research has also led to the discovery of blood sugar benefits.  Several recent studies have found that regular intake of strawberries to be associated with decreased risk of type 2 diabetes.  In these studies, significant benefits do not emerge until frequency of intake reaches at least 2-3 strawberry servings per week.

Happy 4th of July Week !!
Grab some fresh fruit and stay healthy this holiday !!

Zeke Samples, IFA, CSN, CPR, IDEA
NPC Physique Competitior
Surreal Body Solutions, LLC
& contributing health and exercise author
Personal Training Nutrition | Supplements | Motivation

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