
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

So What's the Rage about Gluten? Let's Talk About It..

Gluten's Past? ...Does it 'Have' a Past?

A decade ago, few individuals knew what the word gluten even meant; ..Was it a new car name? A disease? 
I have just about heard every question... HA!

In addition, few individuals gave any thought to avoiding it or HOW -TO avoid it. But now, gluten-free diet menus are all the rage, and high-profile stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Rachel Weisz, and the stunning Victoria Beckham, have been linked to the gluten-free lifestyle, which is said to contribute to increased energy, thinner thighs, and reduced belly bloat.

Dr. Mark Russell, who, like myself believes food is related to a majority of illnesses and low energy levels, has performed research narrowing down individual side effects that are, and could be, more prone to be a result of a diet full of gluten.
What Exactly IS Gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in the grains: wheat, barley, and rye. Most of us unknowingly love it, because gluten gives our favorite foods that special touch: It makes pizza dough stretchy, gives bread its spongy texture, and is used to thicken sauces and soups.

Gluten-Free Eating Has a Basis in Science, and It Does Help a Genuine Health Problem
- A Chronic Digestive Disorder called Celiac Disease, recent studies have shown, can affect 1 in 133 people -

With increased testing and awareness, more people realized why they felt sick after eating a piece of bread, and food companies discovered a new market.
If you consistently suffer from stomach cramps, diarrhea, and bloating, Gluten-Sensitivity could be a possibility.
The Health Hype of Gluten-Free Diets
An increase of diagnosed celiac and gluten sensitivity cases, and the corresponding increase and production of foods marketed to sufferers, "gluten-free diets" have emerged from obscurity, and now are quite popular.  
Another specific diet, the Paleo Diet, supports a Gluten-Free form of living.

With this popularity push, people have latched on to avoiding gluten as a cure-all for many conditions aside from celiac, including migraines, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome
While many have found relief, keep in mind a gluten-free diet may not work in all cases, but overall, it certainly cannot hurt to try.


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