
Monday, June 10, 2013

Need a Reason to Workout? How About 4: Toxin Release, Stress Release, Tone Muscles, and Anti-Aging

There are always plenty of reasons to ditch your workout and save it for another day...
The Kids are out of school now...
The day was too hard and you are out of energy..
You are too tired..and many other potential reasons.

We’re often too busy or too tired; a cleanse could help; but simply starting to exercise can give you more energy!
While exercise is great for maintaining a healthy body weight, it also does extraordinary things for your skin. In fact, breaking a sweat can improve the overall quality and health of your body’s outer layer.  So, if you still need some reasons to hop on the treadmill, here are a few that may give you the motivation you need:

Releases Toxins
When you’re sweating during a workout and your skin becomes rosy and flushed, you’re actually purging your body of the toxins that clog pores and cause pimples and zits. Contrary to popular belief, your sweat is actually helping your skin more than hurting. According to Sandra Johnson, dermatologist with Johnson Dermatology, physical activity increases both neuronal stimulation and blood flow to the skin. This allows your sweat glands to really do their job and clear out all of the unwanted toxins filling your pores. If you’re still breaking out after a workout, it may be because of tight-fitting clothing, headbands or makeup.

Reduces Stress
Unfortunately, when you’re stressed out, worrying about your skin doesn’t make your stress levels any lower. Undergoing stress causes your body to release cortisol – a stress hormone. Cortisol then triggers glands in your hair follicles to increase the production of sebum, an oil that can block up the follicle, which causes inflammation and acne. Exercise, however, lowers your stress levels and prevents your skin from going through that process. It lowers cortisol levels and even provides you with feel-good endorphins.

Tones muscles
You wouldn’t think that toned muscles and great skin go together, but they do. The more toned your muscles are beneath the skin, the healthier it will feel and look. These muscles give your skin more support, preventing sagging. Working out and getting fit also reduces the appearance of those always-unwelcome and unsightly pockets of fat: cellulite.

Benefits of Massage 

- pain relief
- reduced anxiety and depression
- temporarily reduced blood pressure and heart rate
- improve range of motion in neck, back and knees  and joint flexibility 
- enhances immunity by stimulating lymph flow- the body’s natural defense system
- enhance athletes of any level prepare for and recover from strenuous workouts
- pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation  
- reduce spasms and cramping 
- helps improve the condition of the body’s largest organ, the skin
- promotes tissue regeneration
- reduces post surgery adhesion and swelling
- help to release endorphins-amino acids that work as the body’s natural pain killer
- relieves migraine pain

Exercise brings more oxygen and blood flow to the skin. This increase also carries nutrients that are vital to the health of skin, giving it that natural glow. Your skin also produces more natural oils, which help you look healthy and clean.

In Health, 

Zeke Samples - IFA, - IDEA
Contributing author for www.FitAphrodite.com

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